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The Perfect Derma® Peel


The Perfect Derma™ Peel is a Top 3 Anti-Aging Product (ABC News) delivering ageless, healthy skin for all skin types and ethnicities! It uses a safe and effective blend of acids and antioxidants to improve skin tone, texture, hyperpigmentation, acne, sun damage and more. With visible results starting after 1 week full results are seen after 8-12 weeks. 

This peel contains Glutathione (a powerful antioxidant exclusive to this peel) along with TCA, salicylic acid, kojic acid and vitamin C for brightening and anti-aging results.


It triggers restorative peeling which lasts about 7 days. You’ll see brighter skin tone and more even complexion after 1 treatment, while 2-3 treatments spaced 4+ weeks apart will resolve deeper skin concerns. Peeling typically starts on the 3rd day after application and lasts about 3-4 days so some planning around your schedule may be necessary.

The best Chemical Peel, Peel away imperfections, Fade hyperpigmentation

Benefits Include:

- Reduces hyperpigmentation

- Helps with acne scars

- Boosts collagen and elastin

- Softens fine lines and wrinkles

- Corrects sun damage

- Improves overall tone

- Smoothes out texture



The Perfect Peel combines intense ingredients with effective acids to deliver outstanding results after one treatment. This unique formula allows for an increase in lifting of fine lines and wrinkles as well as a lightening of Melasma, sun damage and Hyperpigmentation. The Perfect Peel is a non-invasive relatively pain free treatment that entails only 5-7 days of peeling. 

Is it painful?

The patient may feel a slight stinging or tingling sensation which will subside after just a few seconds. Numbing takes place once the first pass of The Perfect Peel solution is applied.

How long does a treatment take?

The administration of The Perfect Peel only takes about 15-20 minutes.

What improvements will I notice with The Perfect Peel?

The Perfect Peel will help erase fine lines and wrinkles, reduce enlarged pores, help build collagen and elastin which will help to tighten and firm the skin. In addition, it will reduce or even eliminate Hyperpigmentation and Melasma. Acne and acne scars are dramatically improved. The treatment fights free radical damage to remove discoloration due to sun damage and even out overall skin tone and complexion.

Do results last?

If skin is maintained properly, results will last. You can discuss proper skincare with your technician. Maintenance treatments can be done every 3-4 months.

How soon can I expect to see results?


After one treatment of The Perfect Peel, overall skin tone and complexion will appear smooth, glowing and fresh. Depending on skin conditions, multiple treatments may be necessary for desired results and a series of 2-3 treatments applied once every 4 weeks will allow for optimal results for more severe skin conditions such as melasma and active acne. It is best to discuss concerns with your technician and to come up with a personalized plan that is best suited for you.

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